Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Indonesia Business Link-Mengenal jaringan Bisnis

Sumber: http://www.ibl.or.id/
Penulis pernah mengikuti kegiatan YES yang diselenggarakan oleh IBL. Semua kegiatan ada plus dan minusnya. Semua organisasi juga ada sisi positif dan negatifnya.
Ambil saja yang positif dan lupakan yang negatif. Kalau Anda terjebak memikirkan yang negatif, kapan Anda akan berlari ke depan.
Tulisan tentang IBL berikut ini seperti asli dari webnya. Silahkan disimak:

Indonesia Business Links (IBL) is a not-for-profit foundation and it was established in the wake of the Indonesian economic crisis. A major aim of the organization is to contribute towards the creation of sound and ethical business practices in the country. The organization is an affiliate of the Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum (known also as PW-IBLF or IBLF).
Major sponsors
Founders of IBL are business leaders of Rio Tinto, Accenture and Ernst &Young. Corporate main sponsors now include global companies such as BP, B&M Consultant (HHP), Coca Cola, DHL, ERM Indonesia, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Shell, Standard Chartered, McKinsey, Unilever, as well as Indonesian companies including Bogasari Flour Mills, PPM Institute of Management, and Rajawali Group.
Major international donors have been supportive of the IBL. Initial sponsors include UNDP, Department for International Development (DfID) of UK and Ford Foundation.
Historical background
The organization is an offshoot of a multi-stakeholder discussion held during the Annual Worldbank Conference in October 1998 in Washington DC. This meeting led to a consensus on the need to establish a private organization with the aim to help improve the state of corporate governance in Indonesia. The discussion was facilitated by representatives from the World Bank, ADB, UNDP and PW-IBLF as well as non-government agencies and organizations. Subsequent discussions held in Indonesia, initiated by PW-IBLF and participated by multinational companies, multilateral agencies and local non-government agencies, gave rise to the establishment of IBL. Its first programme was inaugurated at a reception hosted by the British Ambassador on 9th December 1999 in Jakarta.
The legal status of IBL as a foundation was enacted by a notarial deed in August 2001 in Jakarta. To date, twenty companies, largely multinationals, from diverse industries have become its members.
Since 1999, IBL has been actively promoting ethical business practices in Indonesia through its two major types of activities, namely, workshops on business ethics and capacity building of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Initial funding for its activities was provided by its founding member companies as well as UNDP and DfID. Funding from the latter was arranged through PW-IBLF which is the international partner of IBL.
In response to the growing support from its members and international donors as well as increasing awareness and the felt need within the local business community for good corporate governance, IBL plans to expand its programme to include good corporate citizenship or known also as corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues. New programmes recently undertaken by IBL such as the youth entrepreneur development (YES) programme, and Partnership for Sustainable Development initiatives are examples of this transformation.
During the period of 2005-2007, IBL plans to undertake the following programme:
Awareness Raising on CSR
Continuing the success of all activities to date, IBL aims at improving public awareness on CSR. This will involve seminars (with international/national business leaders as speakers) and periodic informal dialogues among the IBL constituency. IBL plan to host an Annual Conference on CSR in Indonesia, and/or to support/partner with an international conference on CSR.
The IBL web-portal (http://www.ibl.or.id/) will serve as on-line reference/resources for companies and general public to learn about CSR best practices.
Adding to the existing 5 (five) bilingual publications, within the next 3 years, IBL plans to publish various CSR reports, articles, books and other practical tools on how companies implement best practices of CSR. IBL will partner with media for its CSR campaign.
Adherence and Implementation of CSR among corporations
To enhance commitment and adherence to CSR and related international standards and industry norms, IBL will facilitate a series of corporate dialogues involving other stakeholders such as: government officials, NGOs private persons and other social communities.
IBL will provide capacity building programme, including training/workshops to increase knowledge/skills of the CSR practitioners.
A new programme on “Benchmarking of Corporate Citizenship” will be introduced, including a series of practical tools for companies to measure CSR implementation. These tools include a self-assessment tool, impact measurement tool, and stakeholder measurement tool, through its current collaboration with the Philippines Business for Social Progress (PBSP) and the Ford Foundation. The adoption of tools from PBSP is currently being piloted with companies operating in Indonesia, and will be readily used by wider participants in early 2005. IBL will provide leadership in this area which may include wider coverage of beneficiaries.
Corporate collective actions on CSR: Identification of common interests and Pilot Programmes
Through various consultative forums with corporate partners, IBL will conduct feasibility studies and cost-effective pilot initiatives, where companies can demonstrate effective actions on CSR related issues. Formation of local networks will be developed to implement pilot projects.
A. Young Entrepreneurs Start-up (YES)
A 3 year pilot-programme, “Young Entreprenuers Start-up” (YES) commenced mid-2003. It aims at supporting young people (university graduates) to start-up their own businesses. This integrated programme amalgamates methodologies of the Shell-LiveWire programme and Youth Business International (a division of PWIBLF). It encompasses business development planning and selection, provision of expert mentoring and access to finance. This programme is jointly implemented by Shell Companies in Indonesia, McKinsey & Company, Standard Chartered Bank, IBL, and Progressio.
IBL is undertaking the management and coordination of this pilot programme. IBL’s ultimate goal is to establish a model of partnership in this youth entrepreneurial development area to be scaled up or replicated elsewhere. IBL will remain as the facilitator and not as the implementer. At the development stage, IBL received technical and financial support from the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
By mid-2006, hopefully this pilot programme will establish a successful model which is ready to be replicated or scaled up.
B. Entrepreneurs Enabling Network
This initiative commenced in mid-2004 with financial support of IBLF and corporate sponsors of IBL. This 2 year pilot-programme aims at establishing a business linkages model by mobilizing the business community to help SMEs. The linkages aggregates the services needed by SMEs including business information, consultation, training/mentoring, and access to market/capital.
The target group comprises young entrepreneurs or SMEs that employ young people. The initiative will also develop a network of mentors among the operators of internet cafes, to help introducing IT and internet to the SMEs, while also adding value to their business through the improvement of their sites to become “Internet cafĂ© for business” (warbisnet). .
The pilot project is located in Yogya (Central Java), a famous producer of various products (such as batik, handicrafts, souvenirs, ceramics) and services with its large population of young people.
C. CSR for Better Life
Continuing a programme, supported by the Ford Foundation in 2003/04, IBL will promote the adherence of CSR practices among businesses related to natural resources (including, but not limited to timber, plantation, mining, oil/gas, pulp & paper). Under the banner of “CSR for Better Life”, the programme aims to build the capacity of corporate employees, government officials, and CSOs on CSR knowledge and skills, in order to create an enabling environment for business/investment in Indonesia. IBL’s achievements to date (as at July 2004):
Over 100 participants gathered (over 56 companies, several CSOs, and few government agencies), and this number is anticipated to grow further.
Seven case studies on CSR accomplished in collaboration with the PPM Institute of Management with pro-bono technical assistance from PricewaterhouseCoopers.
The piloting of tool for “Benchmarking of Corporate Citizenship” will be completed by end of 2004.
Networks were established with relevant industry associations, and government agencies (including the State Ministry of Environment, the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, BP Migas, and few local governments).
In 2005-07, this programme will be further carried over to address specific issues to show how CSR can be well practiced by companies while exercising good relationships with their stakeholders. It also encourages collective actions by companies on CSR related aspects.
Organizational Sustainability
To sustain its operation, IBL will undertake internal strengthening of its Boards and Executive team members, including exposures at international events, training, exchange programme, or sabbatical leave for long-term employees.
IBL should also look at various alternatives of revenue generation. The income generating initiative would have to be in line with the legal framework of the Foundation, aiming at full implementation by 2007. Technical and business advisory inputs will be required.

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COFFEE & TEA said...
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